CCTV Security System
The choice of a video surveillance system is not an easy task. You have to think carefully when you go to your favorite security specialist to buy a surveillance camera system for your home. Like everything about security, you need to plan where you will install your cameras. The simplest systems are usually installed at the front door, so you can see who is ringing at your door.
These cameras can also be equipped with an audio system, which allows you to ask questions to people who visit you and possibly ask them to show an identification or badge before you open the door.
The first decision to make when buying a video surveillance system is: Should I include an audio system with the camera that is located near my front door?
The second question: Should my camera be connected to a recorder that allows me to save my video streams or would I just like to see what happens without recording the images? A door, a camera and already many questions are asked.
The third question to ask is: Would I want to install a camera at each entrance (or possible entrance) to my house? Some cameras are equipped with motion sensors that can turn on a light automatically when a movement is triggered; they allow you to feel safe knowing that a burglar will be surprised by the light and will be likely to flee.

The eye of the camera. There are many models depending on the needs. A high quality lens will clearly distinguish a face from a distance.
Another factor to consider before buying a CCTV system is the source of energy. Where are the electrical outlets closest to the cameras located? There are video surveillance systems with batteries, but these often require regular maintenance that you may want to avoid.
It is not easy to design your own surveillance camera system because you have to take into account a lot of different factors.
Surveillance camera lenses
There are many models depending on the needs. A high quality lens will clearly distinguish a face from a distance. Luminosity is expressed in Lux. 0 representing a camera that can film in complete darkness, in black and white. 50,000 Lux being the maximum brightness. It will determine the angle and field of view of the camera. The unit generally used is the Focal. The larger the lens size, the narrower the field of view.
CCD sensor is an electrical component that will translate a light signal into an image. The chipset is the same as the CCD sensor. These two elements act synergistically to produce the video sequence, which determines the image resolution.
Wireless or wired
Depending on the lens and the sensor used, the wired camera usually delivers much better picture quality than the wireless camera (which usually uses Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or GSM waves). It makes it possible to distinguish people, such as a burglar, in the case of a safe use. This type of camera is particularly useful for investigators.

Wireless security cameras are closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras that transmit a video and audio signal to a wireless receiver through a radio band.
Housing for CCTV security system
It is important to provide a strong, resistant and waterproof camera housing, to mitigate not only the risks of bad weather, but also the attacks in case of attempted vandalism. Anti-vandal domes are provided for this purpose. For more discretion, opt for a mini-dome that allows secret use of the camera.
Crime in Perth is on the rise. You can secure your Perth home or business with security and CCTV systems. Your home security system can protect your house, people and the possessions at home. Automated Living can install the perfect system that helps to protect you and your family, as well as your valuables.
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